Top 5 - We're Staying Outside

In the Store:  Heart to Heart garden art is arriving & will quickly brighten dull gardens while the flowers begin to bloom.

In the Studio:  Our entrance is getting a facelift with a mosaic sill by Beth and a mural by Dave.

In the Neighborhood:  It's a Green Thing at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Join Dave this Saturday from 2-4 and make a mini mosaic inspired by the nature of West Laurel Hill.

In the Arts Community:  From the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art watch lucky contestants play the world's largest game of Pong on the 437' side of the Cira Centre.  Enter for your change to play by 5:00 today!
In Your Home:  With true spring weather finally here, get out & take a walk around the neighborhood to savor the brief beauty this season has to offer.  The flowering trees & bulbs are at their peak & should not be missed.