Top 5 of the Week: EARTH DAY

In the Store:  Take care of the birds and the environment with birdhouses made from recycled water bottles in Gordonville, PA.

In the Studio:  Join resident artist David Stehman for Penn Wynne's 1st annual Earth Day celebration at Wynnewood Valley Park on Sunday, April 21, from 1-4pm.

In the Neighborhood:  Excitement is building as plans come together for the 24th annual NarbEarth Day, Saturday 12-4, a fun environmental fair for adults & children at the Narberth Park.  Look for Sweet Mabel doing recycled crafts with kids.

In the Arts Community:  Help us replace the Leprechaun cutout with a new one for photo opportunities during NarbART Bicycle Month.

In Your Home:  Spread some beauty in your garden.  Greenaid seedbombs are hand-rolled in California using local materials, sustainable packaging, & socially responsible labor.  Every seed bomb you purchase is an investment in our shared future on a greener, more equitable planet.