Top 5 -- OUTSIDE

In the Store:  Kutztown artist Marilyn Fox paints vibrant landscapes inspired by french painter Pierre Bonnard.  Opening reception tonight at Sweet Mabel, 6-9pm.

In the Studio:  Make a rustic hypertufa planter that will look great in your garden year round.  Friday, April 26, with Lisa Rose.

In the Neighborhood:  The toads are coming!  Watch them mate & hear their wonderful trills at the Schuylkill Center Saturday, April 6, 6:30-7:30pm.

In the Arts Community:  Local collectors Jill & Sheldon Bonovitz bring outsider art to The Philadelphia Museum of Art.  'Great and Mighty Things' showcases the work of 27 untrained American artists, each with a moving personal story.

In Your Home:  Get out & garden!  Plant a few vegetables & enjoy harvesting in your own backyard.  Now is the perfect time for planting peas, lettuce, spinach, beets & potatoes.