Top 5 of the Week: ART ENVIRONS

In the Store: We live with art, it soothes us & makes us happy.  Sweet Mabel began as a place to bring art into everyday life.  It can be as simple as a fun coffee mug or switchplate or brightening a room with a new painting.
In the Studio:  Our studio is open Sundays & Wednesdays and full of inspiring materials & ideas for finding your own creative spirit.  Stop in for a visit & see what we're up to.

In the Neighborhood:  Take a surreal stroll through "Atmospheric", an installation transforming the Main Line Art Center's galleries into experimental environments uniquely inspired by atmospheric phenomena, nature & humanity.

In the Arts Community:  POST, Philadelphia's Open Studio Tours, is a great opportunity to get an inside peak at the creative workspaces of over 300 Philadelphia artists.

At Your Home:  It's as simple as your kitchen table or that old foosball or pingpong table in your basement;  home studios are easy to find & fun to make.  We have one in every room in our house!