Top 5 of the Week: SUMMER NIGHTS!

In the Store:  Friday, August 3, join us as we celebrate Chrissie Schoenhard's first solo show "Streetscapes." 6-9 pm
In the Studio:  Wednesday, August 8, step out of the heat & into our cool subterranean digs to make some art with us.  6-10pm

In the Neighborhood:  Thursday, August 9, venture over to Shortridge Park to explore the creek with Lower Merion Conservancy & make a bat house with us.  7-8:30pm

In the Arts Community:  Friday, August 10, check out Light Nights at Longwood Gardens.  See Bruce Munro's amazing light spectacular, dance along with the Fiddlekicks & make an illuminating craft  5-9pm

At Your Home:  Sunday, August 12, fire up the grill & make Sunday Family Dinner a tradition.  Pick up Jenny Rosentrach's new book "Dinner: A Love Story" for fun & easy ways to make family dinner a habit.